If you are interested in attending the sale, but would like more information on how it works - please see our Livestock Sale Page
If you are interested in giving donations to exhibitors, add-on support may be given at the sale or online.
To submit add-ons:
1. Complete a list of exhibitor names to support, and dollar amount of donation for each exhibitor.
You may download this Add-On Sheet, or complete your own list. *Be sure to include your name, address, email, phone number in case there are questions, and for exhibitors to mail thank you cards.
2. Please total your donations (*add 3% if using credit card), and note payment method (check or online credit card)
3. Submit BOTH the add-on sheet (or personal list), and the payment by August 20th.
- Via person at the livestock sale
- Via mail: YVFR, P.O. Box 27, Grandview, WA 98930
- Via email (add on sheet) & pay online by clicking on the "donate" button below.
- livestocksalesyvfr@gmail.com